Wednesday 18 June 2008

Barack Obama and abortion

Barak Obama supports the lifting of legal restrictions on abortion. Here is a useful summary of his views, in his own words and based on his voting record.

Justin Taylor has a useful post on the subject here, including this quote from Richard Garnett:

Obama's "full-throated, unqualified support for abortion rights, do not seem to provide a basis for concluding that, in fact, he would be willing to do anything to "discourage" abortion, other than to support social-welfare initiatives which he would support in any event. . . . [T]hese programs and efforts will come packaged with a roll-back of the few pro-life legislative and executive-branch victories that have been secured during the past decade or so.

There are other issues, of course. But this is a worrying one for people who believe that abortion unequivocally means the taking of human life.

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