Friday, 16 January 2009

Another joke I missed

For about 6 months back in about 1988 I went about the place telling people a joke:

Q. Why did the mushroom go to the party?
A. Because he was a fun guy.

One of the funniest things about this, according to my wife anyway, was that I didn't actually get the joke for that entire period, and when I did, I stopped telling it.

I just thought it was an experiment in surrealism, and when I realized it wasn't, it lost all appeal for me.


Hon said...

Someone once gave the wrong punchline, saying, "Oh c'mon...! I'm a nice guy."

We sat around in silence for about 35 seconds trying to work out what we were missing. Then DW asked "Do you mean: 'I'm a fun-guy'?"

Then we all laughed and laughed.

Hon said...

Whoops! It was a variation on the same joke. (About not letting the mushroom go to a party... or something)

Gordon Cheng said...

Whoops! It was a variation on the same joke. (About not letting the mushroom go to a party... or something)

Yeah I got that it was. And that's the stupid way my brain works, I didn't even pause to consider the connection and think, 'Wait a minute, Honoria didn't really explain that', but then I saw that you had explained it and I stopped...

I better stop actually, I sound too much like a character out of Dostoevsky, endlessly analyzing my own motives and thoughts...

Hon said...

Are we related?

Gordon Cheng said...

I believe so.

The Pook said...

"I better stop actually, I sound too much like a character out of Dostoevsky, endlessly analyzing my own motives and thoughts..."

You sound like the Pookwife.

What can I say Gordon, except to reply with that other saying you used to repeat endlessly - "'s people like you what cause unrest!"

/Karen/ said...

Did you hear what the inflatable principal said to the inflatable boy who brought a pin to the inflatable school?

"You let me down, you let yourself down, you let the whole school down ..."