Wednesday 19 August 2009

Science isn't really all that scientific

I haven't met Dr Jim West and I know almost nothing about him. But a friend pointed out his blog the other day, so I began to read and enjoyed the experience of finding someone who writes like I think.


Jim said...

i wouldn't let word get out... they might put you away...


Kutz said...

Hey Gordo, (and Jim)

While there is a point to be made about 'science-olatry', surely the post about DNA faking does absolutely nothing to prove that point.

It firstly mentions an article where science has succeeded in replicating something in nature.

Secondly, it posits the existence of a group of people who refuse to see reality (a scientific reality, interestingly) because of a pre-existing bias, and then proceeds to knock this group of people down. Wow, a hypothetical group of science groupies (who refuse to believe in a scientific ability being advanced) are hypocrites. I ann't really see how anything was proved here.

Sorry, 'tis a bit negative for a first post. I blame my father's DNA...

Jonathan said...

Kutz put it much better than me - perhaps that's why my comment on Jim's blog wasn't allowed.

Science worship is a serious concern, and deserves a response that better models a sensible understanding of what science is.