I feel terribly sorry for him in some respects, because I think, after such a shake-up and loss, he needs to be given some time. But then I recall his "every mother is special" whinge and think maybe he is not up to it. But I would prefer him than Turnbull.
It cannot be an easy job [particularly with constant stories about him not lasting long] and I do feel for him.
Suspect he was never meant to.
I feel terribly sorry for him in some respects, because I think, after such a shake-up and loss, he needs to be given some time. But then I recall his "every mother is special" whinge and think maybe he is not up to it. But I would prefer him than Turnbull.
It cannot be an easy job [particularly with constant stories about him not lasting long] and I do feel for him.
Peter Costello's got a lot to answer for (or John Howard, if you prefer...)
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