Saturday 17 February 2007

Muslim migration bad?

A Professor of Islamic studies at Hebrew University has warned
that Australia should be careful about how many Muslims they
allow into the country, and says that they should be screened
carefully and monitored. The SMH report is here.

I wrote a letter in response and it was published today.

The letter:

Raphael Israeli's warnings should be listened to.

At present, no other major world religion is consistently associated
with international terrorism. Nor does any other major world religion
find support for such terrorism within its scriptures.

The unpalatable truth within Islam is that some believe they
must be prepared to kill others in order to spread their religion.

Compare the unpalatable truth at the heart of Christianity,
which is that Jesus had to die to save others from death.

The Reverend Gordon Cheng, Kingsford.

You didn't used to be able to say that religions were different
from each other.

1 comment:

Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

What about all those nominal Muslims who live in places like Indonesia? Most of the time these people wouldn't dream of doing anything terroristy. They have some Islamic faith, to be sure, but they do not hold to all of it.

I have no problem in inviting nominal muslims into our country who only selectivly believe in parts of the Koran and choose to ignore/disobey others.