Wednesday 2 February 2022

Oh yeah you can change the look of the blog

 My goodness my blog-fu is rusty. What does everyone think of this new look? Do I look fat in this? Do those planty things in the top right look like Coronavirus to anyone? Is that in poor taste if it does, or is it kind of topical?

Don't hold back, faithful readers. If this design looks sick in any way, I want to be the first to know.

Oh and so as not to depart from the main current theme of this blog, here is a cartoon in which Sylvester accidentally self-medicates himself with some experimental chemotherapy.


Bagless said...

Hmmm. Am i allowed to say the blog looks "sick" bro? as in "fully sick bro!"?? as in, like you are.. fully sick? in all the senses that phrase can be meant?

Or am i not allowed to say this? To bad, it's been been said. Also, worry less about this visual, and more on the "get well soon" part of all this??

Barnabas said...

It's a shade of green that brings fond memories, at any rate.

Hoping you're finding enough things to pass the time until the week's out

Dot T said...

Dont really dig the shade of green, but digging the content! Thanks for updating and informing our prayers! Dot

Michael J said...

Personal taste:I'd prefer a paler green. Buyt maybe that's just me.

ET said...

Prefer another green and pic of real plants.