Thursday, 3 July 2008


Apart from the birth of our delightful daughter Ruby, what a hard year that was. I lost a job, was unemployed for 8 months, we moved out of home and Fi suffered severe ill-health. When Ruby was born, Fifi was of course in hospital. At the time, we didn't know where we were going to live when she came out. We ended up moving to Newtown. Towards the end of our time on the move, 9/11 happened.

How much worse it would have been without the generosity of friends and the grace of God. His goodness sustains us always.


David McKay said...

2001 was crook here, too.

Gordon, I really appreciate your blog and always check to see if you have anything new for us.

Please keep posting.

Not saying I always agree, but I certainly agree much more than I disagree.

The Pook said...

I'd echo David's comments. Our year was similar to yours. I was also out of work and feeling a bit like Moses in Midian.

I've also had the experience of losing a job and having a child in the same year too, though that was back in 1997. The Pookwife had number two Pookling, suffered ill health as a result, and then I found out my position had disappeared in a restructure, on the same day the Thredbo landslide was in the news. Providentially I found another one before the one I was in ended on that occasion, unlike in 2001 when the same thing happened and I was unemployed for nearly two years.