Wednesday 15 August 2007

God's word spoken and God's word written

Is there a difference between God's word spoken and God's word written?

Well, yes. One is spoken and one is written.

But apart from this, what is the point of making such a distinction? I would have thought that it is both technical and nugatory, given that the only sure access we have to God's word spoken is God's word written.

And I am deeply suspicious of why you would not only want to notice such a distinction, but in any sense talk it up as worth paying attention to.


Anonymous said...

So have you ever spoken the word nugatory?

Gordon Cheng said...

I try to work it into a conversation once a quarter.

Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

What about the link between the spoken Word, the written Word and the incarnate Word?

Gordon Cheng said...

Hey oso,

I hope someone more knowledgeable than I can help out on this quote, but Luther (I was told this week) said that they are all God's word, but only one of them is God.

Whatever Luther may or may not have said, they all share in common that they must be believed and trusted.