Sunday, 24 February 2008

Why don't we rip clothes any more?

I was recently in discussion with someone who pointed to various Old Testament references to show that music (as opposed to plain old singing) really mattered and we ought to make sure we do it well in church.

I came across as similar suggestion, only this time it was someone arguing that we ought to rip our clothes in church. They point out that there are far more references to this activity in worship than there are to raising your hands, singing, or dancing. And if you do one, you ought to go the whole hog and do all.

Shouldn't you?


Anonymous said...

From what I remember Gordon the ripping of clothes was something that simulated the tearing of the heart...and or was something only the high priest was to do in a blasphemous situation...such as the High Priest ripping his clothes in front of Jesus...

I don't know why you guys don't do this when you preach against other blasphemy / heresy....Oh... I know ....



.... It because you have changed the tradition from clothes ripping to book burnings... ;)

Gordon Cheng said...

Hey Craig,

from what I remember, I had three dogs called Nigel, I shook hands with Bugs Bunny at Euro Disney, and I was one of the astronauts on the first moon landing.