Friday, 25 January 2008

Bible reading

Here is an absolutely terrific post, part of a series, about Bible reading from my Melbourne buddy Jean. It's aimed at women (mums especially) but in its brevity, thoroughness, and in the various recommendations and observations that it makes, it is going to be useful for anyone.

I agree with her observation that it is much easier to memorize large, continual slabs of Scripture than single verses. I am not as systematic as her. In fact, I am not as systematic as Ozzy Osborne, whereas it is quite possible that there is no-one in the world currently living who is as systematic as Jean. But that observation is one that works no matter how organized or chaotic your mind, because meaning increases as context is understood, and meaning aids memory.

Anyway, keep watching her blog. It is thoughtful and well-written, and you can be sure that the opinions in it aren't ventured lightly or lazily.

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